Friday, March 10, 2006

Land of Possibilities

Source: Wikipedia
Land of Possibilities

At the closing session of the Inter-Asian Relations Conference held on April 2, 1947 at New Delhi, Mahatma Gandhi spoke to over 20,000 visitors, delegates and observers. He said, “If you want to give a message it must be a message of Love, it must be a message of Truth. I want to capture your hearts. Let your hearts clap in unison with what I'm saying. A friend asked yesterday, did I believe in one world? How can I possibly do otherwise, of course I believe in one world”

India is meant for its strong culture and human values. We have respect in others beliefs. History says that we never fought for anything other than self-respect. We never fought for wealth and land. As our Father of Nation said we believe in one world. In our secular country any one can meet their thirst of life.

India is the “Land of Possibilities”. Anything is possible in India. A poor Muslim boy from a small town “Rameswaram” can be a world famous Nuclear Scientist and as well as the President of India. A petrol bunk (Gas Station) employee can be a reliable business icon who can influence every ones daily life and Indian economy. An Italian Christian daughter in law of India can exercise her rights to serve the people thru her political governance. A middle class Kanada Brahmin can persuade the world Information Technology era.

Anything and Everthing is possible in India.

India - Land of Possibilities

To be Continued...

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